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Admins run Veteran Warriors' social media accounts; our leadership is not very active on social media.
We have private Facebook Groups, with each user verified to ensure member privacy and protection, in which we interact with the community. This provides the community with a safe space to communicate with one another and to obtain factual information.
Veteran Warriors' private Facebook Group ( is for veterans, caregivers, families, and survivors. All topics are welcome in this group.
Veteran Warriors: Caregiver Support Group ( for Veteran Caregivers; it provides a support group focused on the caregivers in the means of peer support as well as general understanding and navigation.
Veteran Warriors: Voices of Advocacy ( a group focused on grassroots advocacy.
Burn Pit Families ( focuses on toxic exposure within the military. The original focus was burn pits, but it has since branched out and now focuses on all toxic exposure and other airborne particles.